News Detail


Apr, 2021

Umpire Clinic

The District Administrators of New Jersey Association is sponsoring an Umpire Clinic at Holbrook LL on Saturday, April 17th from 9 AM until Noon.  Section Umpire Consultants are serving as instructors.

Please share the attached flyer with your District Umpire Consultant and local LL umpires.  As we are using the indoor batting cages, the number of participants is limited to 50.

There will be 4 segments offered and each official will partake in all.

  1. Calling Balls and Strikes
  2. Plays at the Plate
  3. Calling plays at 1st Base
  4. Calling plays within the infield

While instruction will focus mainly on baseball, a lot of the mechanics pertain to softball as well.  I will try to get the instructors to talk softball as well since it is an integral part of the Little League Program.

A bonus is participation in a Zoom meeting with Little League's Tom Rawlings on Sunday, April 18th from 11 AM until Noon.

Interested umpires may register by e-mailing me at [email protected] ASAP.

Craig Yetman, State Spvr. of Umpires
NJ Little League

Local Sponsors


District 3 Administrator: Tom McCarville 
Newfield, New Jersey 08344

Phone: 856-697-9148

Email: [email protected]